SESSION 024 feat. Miles Medina

Hey Friends! We’re really excited to inform you that we have just picked up our posterzine prints as of yesterday! With a couple more finishing touches, we’re aiming to launch our first care package very soon - stay tuned!

For this weekend’s live stream, we have a special guest and friend: Miles Medina. He is a turntable artist and music producer based in Alameda, CA. His most notable DJ battle win to date is taking the first Goldie Awards Championship founded by A-Trak back in 2017. Miles recently launched his Twitch channel and has been personally designing his own stream visuals that has our team in awe. We’ll be discussing his journey, diving into his file organization + music production process, breaking down his Twitch OBS set-up, and doing live commentary over some past videos.

Pour yourself a cup of tea and tune in with us this Saturday!

Discover more about Miles Medina:

Live stream aired on Saturday July 04, 2020 via Twitch